Labels:text | screenshot | font | graphic design OCR: Welcome to pack 12 from apocalyptic visions. Once again, I (flick) have taken the reigns for another compilation, and well, havent I been a little inactive for a long time eh! : ) One topic I would like to clear up, is somebodies (we all know who) fuss all about a pack we did, which was number 10. If you _STILL_ dont get it, its an april fools day joke, and if you get all fussed, and fruity over it, then you really do need to get out and about more, or use the left hand more than the right for a bit more variety. Anyway, we only had 1 person complain, and well, like we really care about the cupcake opinions (s)he expresses. You know, its time for a real cheap plug, and no, its not your mother (but she does have good rates .. gotta admit), and tell you all to start doing "Paper Cuts" ansis, ...